Saturday, February 22, 2020

Leadership a tale of two coaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership a tale of two coaches - Essay Example Bobbi Knight and Coach K are two famous basketball coaches that achieved great success and whose leadership styles were completely different. This paper will discuss those two coaches and their leadership styles. Fielder's contingency theory is made up of leaders who are task oriented and those that are relationship oriented. It is based on the orientation of the leader, the elements of a particular situation and the leaders' orientation. Task oriented leaders do best in low to moderate control situations while relationship oriented leaders do best in moderately controlled situations. In the case of our two coaches, we would have to place Bobbi Knight in the task oriented leadership and Coach K in the relationship type. Furthermore each leader has a different kind of leadership power. That power is referent, expert, legitimate, reward and coercive. Power is part of the leadership influence. Coach Knight used coercive power, though many people liked him, he was able to accomplish what he did through coercion. On the other hand Coach K had referent power. His team sincerely liked him and played well because of it. He also used some coercion but his primary power was referent. In determining which of the coaches was a leader and which a manager, it appears that Coach Knight was the manager and Coach K the leader. The reason for that is that Coach Knight wielded the big stick. Do it my way or not at all which is more a management style, although not a great one. On the other hand, Coach K allowed some critical thinking from his players and brought them through the processes together, this is really leadership style. Five Factor Model The Five Factor Model supported in the text by McCrae & Costa (1987), is a model that describes human personality disorders and gives a basis for the general understanding personality. There are five factors that are considered and they are called the "big 5" (Bradshaw, 1997). These big 5 factors are neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Northouse, 2010). The OCEAN concept combines. Each of these traits has characteristics. These characteristics are noted in the table. Characteristics High Scorers Factor Characteristics Low Scorers Creative, original, curious, imaginative Openness-Toleration for exploration of the unfamiliar Unartistic, conventional Organized, reliable, neat, ambitions Conscientiousness-Individual has degree of organization, persistence, and motivation in goal directed behavior. Unreliable, lazy, careless, negligent Talkative, optimistic, sociable, affectionate Extraversion-Capacity for joy, need for stimulation Unartistic, conventional Good-natured, trusting, helpful Agreeableness-Ones orientation along a continuum from compassion to antagonism in thoughts, feelings, and actions Rude, uncooperative, irritable Calm, content, secure, unemotional, relaxed Neurotism-proneness to psychological distress, excessive cravings or urges, unrealistic ideas Self-pitying, worrying, insecure, emotional, nervous According to the text, most managers have an extroverted personality. Certainly in the case of both of these coaches there are extroversion traits in their personalities. They are both talkative and optimistic while Coach

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Focus on the Different Economic Principles and Theories of John M Term Paper

A Focus on the Different Economic Principles and Theories of John M. Keynes - Term Paper Example Keynesian economic principles promote mixed economies in which both the state as well as the private sector will play significant roles. The emergence of Keynesian economics closed the curtain on laissez-faire economics that were based on the idea that markets as well as the private sectors could be able to operate independently without government intervention (Keynes, 1936). Keynesian economists believe in the government's role to level the business environment. State intervention may take the form of tax breaks and government spending with a view of stimulating the economy. In good economic times, government expenditure cuts as well as tax hikes would help curb inflation (Blinder, 2006). This paper advances Keynes’s theory that the best way to ensure economic stability and growth is by active government intervention in the marketplace and monetary policy. Keynesian Principles Keynes differed with the Classical economic theories posing various arguments to disapprove them. Basically, Keynes believed that markets could not automatically attain full-employment equilibrium, but rather, the economy would settle in equilibrium at any given level of unemployment (Blinder, 2006). This implies that the classical principles of non-intervention by government would not apply. For the economy to grow in the correct direction, it would require prodding and this means active government intervention in order to manage the demand level. The Keynesian principles are illustrated on the basis of circular income flow. In case of disequilibrium between income injections and leakages, then, according to classical economists, prices would move to appropriately restore the equilibrium. However, Keynes principles that the output level (National Income) will adjust appropriately in attempt to restore equilibrium (Keynes, 1936). For instance, if, for some reason, there is a rise in income injections, say due to increased government expenditure, an imbalance would result between injections and leakages. Following the resulting extra aggregate demand, firms will tend to employ more persons and this would result in more income within the economy. Some of this income could be spent while some would be saved or remitted in tax. The extra expenditure is likely to prompt most of the firms in that economy to increase their production further creating even more employment opportunities and in turn increasing income within the economy. This process will continue until it finally comes to a stop. It would finally stop since with every increase in income, leakages’ levels also increase (tax, savings and imports). When income injections finally equal the leakages, equilibrium will be restored. This process, according to Keynes is referred to as the Multiplier effect (Blinder, 2006). Keynesian Theories Keynes suggested that it was not a perfect idea to rely on market s in order to attain full employment in the economy. He believed strongly in his view that economies can settle at any given equilibrium. As a result, there couldn’t be automatic changes that could correct equilibrium in the markets. The main theories used to justify the Keynesian view are: The labor market theory (the monetarist theory), the money market theory (market for loan-able fund theory), the Multiplier effect theory and the Keynesian Inflation Theory (Keynes, 1936). Monetarist Theory: The Labor Market To Keynes, wage determination is more complex. First, he pointed out that it nominal wages but not real wages that are often subjected to negotiations between workers and their employers such as in barter relationship. In the first place, it is very difficult to effect nominal wage cuts due